Free customized pet IDs help you, your pet and Pima Animal Care Center

Pima Animal Care Center is providing free customized pet ID tags to all pet owners, courtesy of Friends of PACC.

Visit Friends of PACC HERE to learn more about their partnership with PACC.

And even if you can’t foster or adopt you can still help PACC by spreading the word.  Pets with visible ID tags significantly increased the chances of a lost pet returning home and bypassing the need for shelter resources.

I experienced a situation some time ago when I found a loose dog in the neighborhood.  The sweet dog had a collar with her name and the owner’s phone number ON the collar. I was able to call the owner who came and picked up his dog (who also needed medication).  It was a huge relief not only for the pet and owner, but for me.

To learn more about how you can help, read the full newsletter HERE.

Providing care for our pets can take a bite out of our monthly budget.  If you don’t have a money plan that incorporates all your financial priorities, including our furry family members, I can help! CLICK HERE to schedule your Personal Financial Coaching session. Options available in-person at our El Rio Branch, or by Zoom or phone.


Lisa Atkinson
TFCU | Personal Financial Coach

As a Personal Financial Coach, I do not provide legal or tax advice. Tucson Federal Credit Union does not guarantee that this service will achieve any particular objective or outcome. For any legal advice, please seek the advice of an attorney or tax professional.